- VLF/ELF wave receivers at Halley
- AVDAS analysis facility at Halley and Cambridge
- DEC alpha workstation, PCs and specialised software at Cambridge
- AGO-VELOX receivers on AGO platforms
- HOTRAY code
- Vlasov code
- BAS VLF/ELF data base
- Other BAS geospace data
- Auroral radio noise data from LF-MF receivers on AGOs (Collaboration with J LaBelle, Dartmouth College, USA)
- US AGO data AGOnet data
- GGS key parameters and CDHF
- CRRES data (Collaboration with A Johnstone, MSSL)
- Ørsted data
- VLF Data from South Pole and Palmer stations, Antarctica (Collaboration with U S Inan, Stanford University, USA)
- VLF Data from New Zealand (Collaboration with R L Dowden and N R Thomson, Otago University)
- VLF Data from Sanae station, Antarctica (Collaboration with A R W Hughes, Natal University)
- ULF Data from South Pole and Palmer stations, Antarctica (Collaboration with M Engebretson, Augsburg College)
- Propagation models (e.g. LWPC)
- Plasmasphere-ionosphere global model (Collaboration with R J Moffett, Sheffield University)
- Digital matched filtering facility (Collaboration with Gy Tarcsai, Eötvös University, Hungary)