The antennae, preamplifiers, and calibration arrangements will be identical to those at Halley.
The north-south and east-west horizontal magnetic components of the wave-field will be digitised and
processed in real time before being recorded to the AGO on-board data storage system
(Dudeney et al., 1995). Two types of data set will be acquired:
- Type A data (format C): These will be essentially similar to the VELOX data except that,
because of data storage limitations on the AGO, the only channels recorded will be 0.5, 1, 2, 3, and 6 kHz.
The only parameters recorded (to 8-bit resolution) will be mean log power (recording interval 1 s); peak power
and minimum power, average polarisation and average arrival azimuth (all for a 10 s recording interval).
- Type B data (format D): In a `snapshot' mode of operation, a 2 s-long, 0-6 kHz spectrogram will be produced
once every 15 minutes, and stored after data compression. The purpose is to identify the character of the
signals (e.g. chorus, hiss, etc.) recorded in the type A data (type B data are complementary to type A,
being non-continuous in the time domain but with superior time and frequency resolution).