VERSIM Electronic Mailing List

To send a message to the VERSIM Electronic Mailing List, email it to

To subscribe, send mail to with the following command in the body of your email message:

    subscribe versim
You may be asked to send back an authorisation code to confirm the subscription. Just follow the instructions.

To unsubscribe, send mail to with the following command in the body of your email message:

    unsubscribe versim

Subscribers to the list will normally be included in the VERSIM Email Directory unless they request otherwise.

Guidelines for the VERSIM mailing list

The list is for messages and announcements of interest to the international VERSIM (VLF/ELF Remote Sensing of Ionospheres and Magnetospheres) community. It was originally a free unmoderated list (messages sent to the list were forwarded automatically to all subscribers). Regrettably, abuse of the list has made moderation necessary, and with effect from 12 November 2001 all messages will be screened by the list maintainer before being forwarded; inevitably this will involve a delay which will however be kept as short as possible. Examples of acceptable messages:

Please try to keep messages brief and text only, as not all subscribers may be able to read binary attachments (e.g. images). It will usually be best to indicate a Web page where such information may be found.

The following are unacceptable:

Comments or questions about this list should be sent to the list maintainer:
The list managed by Majordomo mailing list software and is currently maintained by the IAGA Co-chairman of the VERSIM Working Group: Andy Smith

Last Revised 12 November 2000
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