# University of Iowa Event, 12 Feb 1997
University of Iowa Event, 12 Feb, 1997

These data have been posted in reponse to a request from Dr J Pickett at Uof I. They give Halley SuperDARN HF radar data for the period of a POLAR perigee pass through the southern hemisphere for 12 February 1997.

Four different data sample are provided:

The LTP gives a summary of the radar data for the period preceding, during and after the event for the meridional beam of the radar.

The two PACEMAP plots give the detailed full scan data for the radar scans for which the footprint of POLAR is within the radar field of view. An approximate track for the POLAR footprint is shown in blue. The first PACEMAP plot gives Line-of Sight velocities, whilst the second gives the line of sight Doppler Spectral width.

The GGS GRASP plot gives a summary of the data recorded for Halley station using the SESAME suite of instruments plus key parameter "vector" velocities from the SuperDARN radar. Note that there is an isolated substorm which precedes the POLAR pass. Canopus CL and CU show that the pass was during the recovery phase of the substorm.

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