Notes for Editors
Notes for Editors

An unparalleled data description of the event is on the World Wide Web (see and the BAS Upper Atmospheric Sciences web:

British Antarctic Survey Science contact: Dr John Dudeney, Head of Upper Atmospheric Sciences Tel: 01223 251536. NASA Contacts: Nicola J Fox, Global Geospace Coordinator. Tel: 001 301 286 8872; Robert A Hoffman, Tel: 001 286 7386; Mauricio Peredo, Tel: 001 301 286 1526; Barbara Thompson Tel: 001-301-286-3405

More information on TSUNAMI initiative from Dr Dougal Goodman, Deputy Director BAS. Tel 01223 251523.

Beta broadcast quality video footage and stills of Halley Research Station is available from the British Antarctic Survey Press Office. Contact: Linda Capper, Tel: 01223 251448 or Tony Clarke, Tel: 01223 251414

Press Release
Background Notes

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