---------------------------------------------------------------- M I S T E L E C T R O N I C N E W S L E T T E R No. 2 21 Oct 1999 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Colleagues, LONDON MIST 1999 Could I remind you that this year's autumn MIST meeting in London will be on Friday 26th November at the Geological Society Lecture Room, Burlington House, Piccadilly beginning 10.30 am (coffee available in the Geological Society library from 10.00am). A sandwich lunch (for a small charge) and afternoon tea will also be provided. The abstract deadline is 8 November, and the programme will be published shortly after that date. Details are on the web at: http://www.nerc-bas.ac.uk/public/uasd/mist.html#autumn99 The lecture room must be vacated by 5.30 pm, but proceedings usually continue informally over a pint at the "Walkers of St James" pub in Duke Street (across Piccadilly from Burlington House). Many thanks to the Royal Astronomical Society for supporting our London meetings. MILLENNIUM MIST The 2000 spring MIST meeting will be held 11-13 April at Imperial College, London. More details will be announced shortly on the Millennium MIST web site: http://www.sp.ph.ic.ac.uk/mist.html FUTURE MIST MEETINGS The autumn 2000 MIST meeting will be on Friday 24 November, at Burlington House as usual. The University of York will be the venue for the 2001 Spring MIST meeting, scheduled for 9-11 April. RAS G/MISTs There are two Royal Astronomical Society "G" discussion meetings in London on MIST subjects coming up in the near future. The first is on 10 December and is on "Space weather - its impact and forecasting"; details at: http://www.ras.org.uk/ras/meetings/1999/991210.htm The second, "Terrestrial, Planetary and Inter-planetary magnetic fields", is on 10 March 2000; details at: http://www.ras.org.uk/ras/meetings/2000/000310.htm SPRING MIST 1999 The meeting report by Carlos del-Pozo and myself was published in the June issue of Astronomy and Geophysics and is also available on the MIST site at: http://www.nerc-bas.ac.uk/public/uasd/mist/mistsp99.html#report RAS AWARDS Could I remind you of the 30 October deadline for nominations for the RAS awards, described in a recent message from Mike Hapgood. See: http://www.ras.org.uk/ras/nominate.htm ELECTRONIC MAILING LIST This MIST Electronic Newsletter is being sent to subscribers to the MIST electronic mailing list, who currently number 209. If you have any colleagues who wish to receive MIST related news by email, but who have not yet subscribed to the list, please encourage them to do so. All they need do is send an email to Majordomo@mail.nerc-bas.ac.uk with the following command in the body of the message: subscribe mist For more details see: http://www.nerc-bas.ac.uk/public/uasd/mist/misteml.html Best wishes, Andy Smith -- Dr A.J. Smith, British Antarctic Survey, Phone: +44-1223-221544 Madingley Road, Fax: +44-1223-221226 Cambridge CB3 0ET, UK. Email: A.J.Smith@bas.ac.uk MIST Home page: http://www.nerc-bas.ac.uk/public/uasd/mist.html