TSUNAMI -- Linking Insurance and Science TSUNAMI funding



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Announcement of Opportunity


Centres of coastal population and infrastructure, for example on islands in the Caribbean, are significantly at risk from tsunamis generated by earthquakes, submarine landslides, submarine volcanic eruptions and the entry of subaerial volcanic landslides into the sea.

Proposals are invited for a desk study to assess the relative frequency and magnitude of tsunami events. This should allow an evaluation of the spatial distribution of risks and provide a basis for an estimate of the probability of events occurring within different ranges of severity.

The study will be used to assess the risks faced by insurers operating in coastal regions. For this reason, the perspective and focus of the study should be on the potential financial impact in economically well-developed areas. A consideration of major tsunami catastrophes, such as the recent event in Papua New Guinea, should be also be included for comparison.

Tenders of up to £40,000 are invited, with delivery within 12 months of the award of funding.



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