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Graphs of Ozone at Vernadsky/Faraday and Halley

This page shows graphs of Ozone at Halley and Vernadsky/Faraday stations for the seasons of 96-97 back to 90-91.

More ozone-type info can be found on the main ozone page: http://www.nbs.ac.uk/public/icd/ozone_pub/.

Temperature and Ozone graphs, for Halley and Vernadsky/Faraday

Graphs are gifs, each between 12 and 15k.

Halley, 96-97 (preliminary), 95-96, , 94-95, 93-94, 92-93, 91-92, 90-91
Vernadsky/Faraday, 96-97 (preliminary), 95-96, 94-95, 93-94, 92-93, 91-92, 90-91, 89-90, 88-89, 87-88

Note: Vernadsky/Faraday does not do radiosonde ascents nowadays. Hence the 100 hPa temperatures for Vernadsky/Faraday are taken from the nearby station of Bellingshausen.

Page maintained by J. Shanklin.