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Antarctic Meteorology Online from the British Antarctic Survey

Most of the information in this directory is from the GTS. This is completely public-domain and freely available to all.

For updates about new info, downtime, bugs found, etc, see here.

A rinky clickable-map interface came online in August 1996.

The data here is freely available. We have additional data (more info from S Colwell ( which is available to academic researchers for free (easy requests) or for staff costs (harder requests). Commercial institutions pay.

The latest reports are available in near-real time (about an hour behind receipt). Data for ships and for land stations. Note that this data is not well error-checked.

We have an Explanation of the column headings used in the output and a List of names corresponding to station numbers. An archive of SYNOPS and DRIBUS for previous days reaches back to 1996.

On 18/3/97 I added a picture of our buoy data year by year back to 1993

Advanced Use

The interface to our oracle databases is now the standard method of accessing the data. This allows searching by station id as well as parameter selection, date selection, averaging, etc.


  1. This particular database was begun around about the new year, so only recent data is present.
  2. You are presented with a choice of three tables: land stations and ships, decoded in near-real time; radiosonde (temps); or a more complete decode with better error checking about 2 days behind time.
  3. Response time may be up to 20+ seconds for the queries - please be patient

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