Austria  Dr. M. Kuhn              Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics   
                                    University of Innsbruck
           Ph: (43)512-507-5450     Innrain 52
           Fx: (43)512-507-2924     A-6020
           meteorologie@uibk.ac.at  Innsbruck, AUSTRIA
  Brazil   Dr. Jefferson C. Simoes  LAPAG  
                                    Departmento de Geografia
           Fx: (55)51 336-1762      Instituto de Geociencias         
           jcs5@if1.if.ufrgs.br     Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
                                    Av. Bento Goncalves 9500
                                    91501-970 Porto Alegre, RS
  Bulgaria Dr. Dimitar Jordanov     Geophysical Institute
                                    Bulgarian Academy of Science
           Ph:  359-2-736-379       ul. Acad. G. Bonchev, Bl. 3
           Fx:  359-2-700-226       Sofia 1113
  China    Dr. Xie Zichu            Lanzhou Institute of Glaciology 
                                    and Geocryology
           Ph:  (86)931-8841393     Chinese Academy of Sciences
           Fx:  (86)931-8885241     Lanzhou 730000
                                    PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA
  Czech    Dr. V. Matousek          Water Management Institute
Republic                            Podbabska 30  
                                    160 62 Praha 6
                                    CZECH REPUBLIC
  Denmark  Dr. Carl Egede Boggild   GEUS                
                                    Dept. of Hydrology and Glaciology
           Ph: (45)38 14 27 94      Thoravej 8
           Fx: (45)38 14 20 50      2400 Copenhagen NV  
           ceb@geus.dk              DENMARK
  France   Dr. L. Lliboutry         3, avenue de la Foy
           Ph: (33)76-90-10-15      38700 Corenc
           Fx: (33)76-82-42         FRANCE
  Germany  Dr. Hans Oerter          Alfred-Wegener-Institut fur 
                                    Polar- und Meeresforschung
           Ph: (49)471-4831-347     Postfach 120161
           Fx: (49)471-4831-149     D-27515 Bremerhaven
     hoerter@awi-bremerhaven.de     GERMANY
  Hungary  Dr. G. Balint            Hydrological Institute 
                                    Water Resources Research Center (VITUKI)
           Ph: (36)1-2155001        P.O. Box 27
           Fx: (36)1-2161514        Budapest, H-1453
           h6749bal@ella.hu         HUNGARY 
  Japan    Dr. Nobuo Ono            National Institute of Polar Research
                                    1-9-10 Kaga
           Ph: (81)3-3962-4722      Itabashi-ku
           Fx: (81)3-3962-2529      Tokyo 173

  Nepal    Dr. Chandra K. Sharma    Royal Nepal Academy of Science 
                                    and Technology
           Ph: (977)1-410049        P. Box 2562
               (977)1-419069        Kathmandu, NEPAL
           Fx: (977)1-226570
  Netherlands  Dr. Ian Simmers      Faculteit der Aardwetenschappen
                                    De Boelelaan 1085
           Ph: (31)20-444-7381      1081 HV Amsterdam
           Fx: (31)20-646-2457      THE NETHERLANDS
  New      Dr. Trevor Chinn         Institute of Geological and         
Zealand                             Nuclear Sciences
           ph: (64)3-477-40507      64 Cumberland Street
           fx: (64)3-477-5232       Private Bag
           srcntjc@lhn.gns.cri.nz   Dunedin
                                    NEW ZEALAND
  Norway   Dr. Jan-Gunnar Winther   Norsk Polarinstitutt
                                    Meddelthuns gate 29
           Ph: (47)22-95-95-00      Postboks 5072 Majorstua
           Fx: (47)22-95-95-01      N-0301 Oslo, NORWAY
  Romainia Dr. Pomiliu Mita         National Institute of Meteorology 
                                    and Hydrology
           Fx: (40)1-3129843        Sos. Bucuresti-Plolesti 97 71552  Bucharest
  Slovakia Dr Gabriela Babiakova    Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute
                                    Jeseniova 17
           Ph: +42 7 374 333        833 15 Bratislava,
           Fx: +42 7 376 562        SLOVAK REPUBLIC

 Switzerland  Dr. Bernhard Stauffer Physikalisches Institut
                                    Universitat Bern  
           Ph:  (41)31-631-44-67    Sidlerstrasse 5
           Fx:  (41)31-631-44-05    CH-3012 Bern
           stauffer@phil.unibe.ch   SWITZERLAND
  United   Dr. David N. Collins     Department of Geography
Kingdom                             University of Machester
           Ph:  (44)161-275-3646    Manchester M13 9PL
           Fx:  (44)161-273-4407    United Kingdom
  United   Dr. Richard L. Armstrong CIRES/NSIDC CB 449  
States of                           University of Colorado
America    Ph: (1)303-492-1828      Boulder, CO 80309  
           Fx: (1)303-492-2468      USA
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