1 RIS_5760 Ross Ice Shelf US seismic reflection shooting over the Ross Ice Shelf between October 1957 and March 1960. Three traverses undertaken by United States parties including the Ross Ice Shelf traverse Oct 1957 - April 1958, Victoria Land traverse Oct 1958 - Jan 1959, Discovery Deep traverse Feb and March 1960. Seismic reflection & gravity US 78
2 RUTFORD_8586 Ellsworth Land & Ronne Filchner Ice Shelf BAS ground based RES of Rutford Ice Stream, 1985/86 season Ground-based RES UK 239
3 FILCHNER_5758 Filchner Ice Shelf US seismic soundings carried out in the Filchner Ice Shelf area during 1957-58 (IGY). Seismic reflection US 27
4 LAMBERT_8995 Lambert Glacier basin ANARE Lambert Glacier Basin Traverse 1989/90 to 1994/95. Study of the mass budget and dynamics of the interior basin. Ground-based RES AU 1806
5 PCMTS_7274 Lambert Glacier, Southern Prince Charles Mtns. ANARE Aerial RES of Southern Prince Charles Mtns 1972/73 and 1973/74. 17 sorties. Airborne RES AU 8605
6 AMERY_89B Lambert Glacier, Amery Ice Shelf ANARE Aerial RES of Amery Ice Shelf, December 1989, Second Phase. 14 sorties. Airborne RES AU 7189
7 AMERY89 Lambert Glacier, Amery Ice Shelf ANARE Aerial RES of Amery Ice Shelf 1989, December 1989, First Phase. 8 sorties. Airborne RES AU 5401
8 AMERY_6871 Amery Ice Shelf ANARE Amery Ice Shelf Expedition 1968 and 1970/71. Sorties: 22. Ground-based RES AU 2163
9 ENDERBY_7980 Enderby Lands, Kemp Lands ANARE Aerial RES of Enderby and Kemp Lands, 1979/80 Airborne RES AU 10501
10 WILKES_7886 Wilkes Land ANARE ground based RES survey east inland of Casey Station with data at 2 km spacing. Ground-based RES AU 1030
11 BERKNER_8590 Berkner Island, Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf University of Munster airborne RES, altimeter measurements of Berkner Island, Ice Rises and Ice Rumples of Filchner-Ronne-Schelfeis. Data collected between 1985 and 1990. Airborne RES DE 1929
12 WESTANT_5759 Marie Byrd Land and the Ellsworth Mountains US seismic reflection shooting, Marie Byrd Land, Ellsworth Land and the Horlick Mountains at 30 nautical mile (55.5km) intervals, during three traverses in West Antarctica between January 1957 and January 1959. Seismic reflection & gravity US 709
13 ELLSBYRD_5859 Ellsworth Land US seismic soundings carried between Ellsworth and Byrd Stations during 1958-59. Seismic reflection US 21
14 130WEST_5859 Marie Byrd Land US seismic soundings carried out along meridian 130W in 1958-59 Seismic reflection US 7
15 88WEST_5960 Ellsworth Land US seismic soundings carried out along meridian 88W in 1959-60. Seismic reflection US 8
16 MARIEBYRD_5960 Marie Byrd Land US northwest Marie Byrd Land traverse 1959-60, ice thickness from combined gravity and seismic observations. Seismic reflection & gravity US 356
17 MCMPOLE_6061 Victoria Land, Plateau, South Pole US seismic soundings carried out in a traverse from McMurdo Station to the South Pole in 1960-61. Seismic reflection & gravity US 281
18 SPQMLT_6468 Queen Maud Land US seismic, gravimetric and electromagnetic observations in three reconnaissance traverses from South Pole to Queen Maud Land. Traverse 1- 1964-65, T2 - 1965-66, T3-1967-68. Seismic reflection & gravity US 331
19 RIGGS_7378_1 Ross Ice Shelf US Ross Ice Shelf Geophysical and Glaciological Survey using seismic and radio wave velocities to determine ice thickness. Seismic reflection US 165
20 WALGREEN_6061 Walgreen Coast, Marie Byrd Land US seismic reflection shooting along the Walgreen coast, Marie Byrd Land in 1960-61. Seismic reflection US 5
21 ELLSWORTH_6061 Ellsworth Land US seismic and gravity observations in the Ellsworth Highlands in 1960-61 Seismic reflection & gravity US 408
22 VLT1_5859 Victoria Land US seismic observations, Victoria Land Traverse No. 1, made on oversnow traverse from the head of the Skelton Glacier to 132E. Seismic reflection US 16
23 VLT2_5960 Victoria Land US seismic observations, Victoria Land Traverse No. 2, made on oversnow traverse in the Victoria Land plateau. Seismic reflection US 18
24 PENINSULA_6162 Ellsworth Land, Antarctic Peninsula US seismic and gravity measurements obtained during the Antarctic Peninsula oversnow traverse of 1961-62. Seismic reflection & gravity US 274
25 ROOSEVELT_6263 Roosevelt Isand, Ross Ice Shelf US seismic measurements obtained on Roosevelt Island 1962-63 Seismic reflection US 69
26 JARE_6971 West Enderby Land JARE 10-11 oversnow traverse in the Mizuho Plateau-West Enderby Land, 1969-71. Observations of ice thickness obtained using a radio echo sounder. Additional measurements obtained from seismic soundings and gravimetric methods. Includes 7 routes A,B,C,S,W,X,Y. Ground-based RES JP 417
27 JARE_8283 Queen Maud Land JARE 23 oversnow traverse in East Queen Maud Land along line of Shirase Glacier, Yamamoto Mountains, 1982-83. Observations of ice thickness obtained using a radio echo sounder. Includes routes IM, YM,SS,SY,H,Z Ground-based RES JP 1019
28 JARE_8384 Queen Maud Land JARE 24 oversnow traverse in East Queen Maud Land extending work or East Queen Maud Land Glaciological project, 1983-84. Includes route KR. Ground-based RES JP 29
29 JARE_8586 Queen Maud Land JARE 26 oversnow traverse in East Queen Maud Land toward the inland plateaux and Sor Rondane Mountains, 1985-86. Includes routes ID, DF. Ground-based RES JP 43
30 JARE_8687 Queen Maud Land JARE 27 oversnow traverse in East Queen Maud Land extending work or East Queen Maud Land Glaciological project, 1986-87. Includes routes SZ,NY,YG6,RY,L. Ground-based RES JP 641
31 BAS_6667 Palmer Land, Antarctic Peninsula BAS Aerial RES across Antarctic Peninsula, 1966-67 season, 16 sorties flown. Airborne RES UK 10572
32 BAS_6970 Adelaide Island, Fossil Bluff, Antarctic Peninsula BAS Aerial RES across Adelaide Island, Fossil Bluff - Antarctic Peninsula, 1969-70 season, 15 sorties flown. Airborne RES UK 19498
33 BAS_7172 Adelaide Island, Fossil Bluff, Antarctic Peninsula BAS Aerial RES across Adelaide Island, Fossil Bluff, Stacato - Antarctic Peninsula, 1971-72 season, 17 sorties flown. Airborne RES UK 22561
34 BAS_7475 Ellsworth Land, Antarctic Peninsula BAS Aerial RES across Ellsworth Land and Antarctic Peninsula, 1974-75 season, 47 sorties flown. Airborne RES UK 84761
35 BAS_8081 Ellsworth Land, Antarctic Peninsula, Ronne Ice Shelf. BAS Aerial RES across Ellsworth Land, Antarctic Peninsula and Ronne Ice Shelf, 1974-75 season, 15 sorties flown. Airborne RES UK 46288
36 BAS_8283 Berkner Island, Ronne Ice Shelf, Orville Coast. BAS Aerial RES across Berkner Island, Ronne Ice Shelf, Orville Coast 1982-83 season, 21 sorties flown. Airborne RES UK 38564
37 BAS_8384 Ronne Ice Shelf; Martin Hills, Ellsworth Land BAS Aerial RES across Ronne Ice Shelf, Martin Hills 1983-84 season, 26 sorties flown. Airborne RES UK 53382
38 BAS_8485 Ronne Ice Shelf, Palmer Land BAS Aerial RES across Palmer Land, Ronne Ice Shelf (Henry Ice Rise, Kershaw Ice Rumples) 1984-85 season, 17 sorties flown. Airborne RES UK 42230
39 BAS_8586 Palmer Land, Antarctic Peninsula BAS Aerial RES across Palmer Land, 1985-86 season, 15 sorties flown. Airborne RES UK 32555
40 BAS_8788 Ronne Ice Shelf BAS Aerial RES across Ronne Ice Shelf, 1987-88 season, 4 sorties flown. Airborne RES UK 8890
41 SPRI_7172 Victoria Land, Marie Byrd Land SPRI Aerial RES, 1971-72 season, 13 sorties flown. Airborne RES UK 12877
42 SPRI_7475 Ross Ice Shelf, Victoria Land, Marie Byrd Land SPRI NSF TUD Programme of Airborne RES, 1974-75 season, 46 sorties flown. Airborne RES UK 42536
43 SPRI_7778 Ross Ice Shelf, George V Land, Wilkes Land Victoria Land, Marie Byrd Land SPRI NSF TUD programme of aerial RES, 1977-78 season, 11 sorties flown. 1977/78 season covered the International Antarctic Glaciological Project sector of East Antarctica, West Antarctica and some other areas. Airborne RES UK 30931
44 SPRI_7879 Ross Ice Shelf, Victoria Land, Marie Byrd Land SPRI NSF TUD aerial RES programme, 1978-79 season, 10 sorties flown. Airborne RES UK 71692
45 RONNE_9495 Ronne Ice Shelf BAS 2300 km traverse across part of the Ronne Ice Shelf during the 1994-95 season. Seismic reflection stations at 15km intervals. Seismic reflection UK 154
46 SAE_7584 Coats Land, Ronne-Filchner Ice Shelf Soviet Antarctic Expedition (SAE21-29) seismic reflection surveys carried out in Coats Land and the Ronne-Filchner Ice Shelf between 1974/75 and 1983/84, total area surveyed 583,000 km. Seismic reflection RU 1766
47 WISCONSIN_6364 Whitmore Mountains, Marie Byrd Land US oversnow seismic survey north of Horlick Mountains in Whitmore Mountains in 1963/64. Seismic reflection US 56
48 NBS_5152 Queen Maud Land Seismic shooting in Queen Maud Land by Norwegian-British-Swedish Antarctic Expedition, 1951-52. Oversnow traverse inland from Maudheim station. Seismic reflection UK 120
49 TAE_5758 Upper Plateau - West Antarctica, South Pole, Victoria Land Seismic reflection survey condicted by Commonwealth Trans-Antarctic Expedtion, 1955-58. Overland traverse from Shackleton Base on the Filchner Ice Shelf past the South Pole and on to Scott Base. Seismic reflection UK 35
50 GEORGEVI_8485 George VI Ice Shelf, Antarctic Peninsula Seismic measurements across George VI Ice Shelf supplemented by ground base RES measurements, 1984/85. Traverses were run perpendicular to the regional geology. 101 seismic stations and 210 RES measurements. Seismic reflection & RES UK 243
51 ANARE_5759 Kemp Land ANARE seismic and gravity survey during the period of the IGY (1957-59) inland of Mawson Station, Kemp Land. Ice thickness measurements made on 2 regional traverses. Seismic reflection & gravity AU 166
52 BELGE_5960 Dronning Maud Land 1959-60 Belgian Antarctic Expedition seismic traverse in Dronning Maud Land from the King Baudouin base to the Sor Rondane Mountains. Seismic reflection BE 32
53 SIPLECOAST_8789 Siple Coast, Marie Byrd Land Airborne RES data collected by US during the 1987/88 & 1988/89 seasons in six gridded blocks covering the upstream parts of Ice Streams A,B and C. 14,000 km of data in 24 flights collected along a grid of flight lines regularly spaced 5-10 km apart. Airborne RES US 400214
54 BELGE_6768 Jutulstraumen, Western Dronning Maud Land Gravity survey across the 50km wide Jutultraumen Ice Stream by the 1967-68 Belgian Antarctic Expedition. Gravimetric measurements BE 42
55 BELGE_6869 Dronning Maud Land 1968-69 Belgian Antarctic Expedition radio echo sounding survey of Fimbulisen, Trolltunga-Jutulstraumen ice stream, Blaskimen ice rise and Jalbartisen. Airborne RES BE 751
56 PENSACOLA_6566 Pensacola Mountains USGS seismic reflection survey in the Pensacola Mountains during the 1965-66 season. Seismic reflection US 18
57 SOUTHPOLE_6263 South Pole traverse Seismic investigations on a US oversnow traverse between South Pole and the Horlick Mountains during the 1962-63 season. Seismic reflection UK 24
58 BAS_9495A Fowler Peninsula region, Ellsworth Land BAS airborne RES survey in Ellsworth Land in 1994/95 season., 126 sorties. Airborne RES UK 139174
59 BELGEDUTCH_6566 Sor Rondane Mountains, Dronning Maud Land Oversnow gravity traverses carried out in the major glaciers draining the Sor Rondane Mountains in 1966 by the Belgian-Dutch expedition. 17 traverses carried including 138 measurements of ice thickness. Gravimetric measurements BE 138
60 SORROND_8692 Sor Rondane Mountains, Dronning Maud Land Glacier valley cross-section profiles in the central Sor Rondane Mountains gathered by gravimeter and radio-echo sounding measurements during the Japanese Antarctic Research Expeditions JARE-28 and JARE-32. Ground-based RES & gravimetric UK 35
61 RUTFORD_9193 Rutford Ice Stream, Ellsworth Land BAS seismic surveys on the Rutford Ice Stream during the 1991-92 and 1992-93 seasons. Surveys were concentrated above the grounding line using three different seismic sources depending on time and resources. Seismic reflection UK 48
62 DOMEC_9293A Dome C, Wilkes Land Italian Antarctic Program (PNRA) airborne RES survey at Dome C, Wilkes Land. 34 profiles were carried out in 4 flights in a 80 km x 120 km rectangular grid. Airborne RES IT 1612
63 DOMEC_9293B Dome C, Wilkes Land Italian Antarctic Program (PNRA) ground based RES survey at Dome C, Wilkes Land. 21 profiles were carried out from a snocat (rover) in a 50 km x 50 km square grid( line spacing 10km). Ground-based RES IT 842
64 DML_9697 Dronning Maud Land BAS airborne RES campaign in Dronning Maud Land as part of the collaborative European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica (EPICA). Twenty eight hours flown over seven flights. Airborne RES UK 3197
65 BRUNT_9697 Brunt Ice Shelf, Coats Land BAS airborne RES campaign over the Brunt Ice Shelf, Coats Land in 1996-97 season. Airborne RES UK 2028
66 WILKES_6163 Wilkes Land ANARE seismic reflections obtained on route from Wilkes Station to Vostok in 1961/62 and 1962/63 seasons. Data restricted to stations within 300 miles of the coast. Seismic reflection AU 3
67 ROOSEVELT_9697 Roosevelt Island, Ross Ice Shelf US ground based radar echo sounding survey on Roosevelt Island undertaken by the Geophysics Dept. University of Washington in the 1996/97 season. 8 profiles. Ground-based RES US 5428
68 SAE_8586_1 Prince Charles Mountains Soviet Antarctic Expedition (SAE31) airborne RES survey - Prince Charles Mountains (1985-86). Trackline spacing 2km, 84 sorties. Airborne RES RU 23952
69 SAE_8687 Amery Ice Shelf & Ingrid Christensen Coast Soviet Antarctic Expedition (SAE32) airborne RES survey - Amery Ice shelf and Ingrid Christensen Coast (1986-87). Trackline spacing 5km. Airborne RES RU 16766
70 SAE_8788_1 Prince Charles Mountains, Mac Robertson Land Soviet Antarctic Expedition (SAE33) airborne RES survey - Prince Charles Mountains, Mac Robertson Land (1987-88). Trackline spacing 5km. Airborne RES RU 33776
71 SAE_8990 Lambert Glacier, Mac Robertson Land Soviet Antarctic Expedition (SAE35) airborne RES survey - Lambert Glacier, Mac Robertson Land (1989-90). Trackline spacing 5km, 64 sorties. Airborne RES RU 46529
72 SAE_9091 Princess Elizabeth Land Soviet Antarctic Expedition (SAE36) airborne RES survey - Princess Elizabeth Land (1990-91). Trackline spacing 5km, 77 sorties. Airborne RES RU 63138
73 RAE_9495 Amery Ice Shelf & Mac Robertson Land Russian Antarctic Expedition (RAE39) airborne RES survey - Amery Ice Shelf & Mac Robertson Land (1994-95). Trackline spacing 5km, 75 sorties. Airborne RES RU 49347
74 RAE_9596 Mac Robertson Land Russian Antarctic Expedition (RAE40) airborne RES survey - Mac Robertson Land (1995-96). Trackline spacing 5km. Airborne RES RU 27688
75 BAS_9798 Ellsworth Land, Antarctic Peninsula BAS airborne RES survey in Ellsworth Land and the Antarctic Peninsula in the 1997-98 season. 7 principal sorties between the Walgreen Coast and George VI Sound. Airborne RES UK 51907
76 BAS_9596 Ellsworth Land BAS airborne RES survey in Ellsworth Land in the 1995-96 season. 11 sorties flown. Airborne RES UK 114407
77 SAE_5859 Inland Plateau - East Antarctica Soviet Antarctic Expedition (SAE3) seismic survey along a traverse from Mirny to the Pole of Relative Innaccessibility and between Komsomolskaya and Vostok (1958-59). 27 seismic shots made. Traverse distance 2300km. Seismic reflection RU 65
78 SAE_5960 Inland Plateau - East Antarctica Soviet Antarctic Expedition (SAE4) seismic survey along a traverse from Komsomolskaya to Vostok and on to the South Pole (1959-60). 12 seismic shots made. Traverse distance 1832 km. Seismic reflection RU 30
79 SAE_6364 Inland Plateau - East Antarctica Soviet Antarctic Expedition (SAE9) seismic survey along a traverse from Vostok to the Pole of Relative Innaccessibility and on to Molodezhnaya (1963-64). 21 seismic shots made. Traverse distance 3323 km. Seismic reflection RU 21
80 SAE_5658 Queen Mary Land Soviet Antarctic Expedition (SAE1 & 2) seismic survey along a traverse from Mirny to Pionerskaya (1956-58). Seismic reflection RU 13
81 SAE_6061 Queen Mary Land, Wilhelm II Land. Soviet Antarctic Expedition (SAE5) seismic survey along a traverse from a point approx. 100km north of Pionerskaya south-west for 500km then south-east to Komsomolskaya (1960-61). Seismic reflection RU 18
82 MIRNYDOMEC_7886 Wilkes Land ANARE ground based RES survey in Wilkes Land, 1978-86. Traverse from
Mirny to Pionerskaya to Dome C.
Seismic reflection & gravity AU 3
83 WESTDML_8590 Western Neuschwabenland, Dronning Maud Land University of Munster airborne RES, altimeter measurements Ritscherhochland / Western Neuschwabenland. Data collected between 1985 and 1990. Airborne RES DE 16886
84 RONNE_8284 Ronne Ice Shelf BAS geophysical expedition across the Ronne ice Shelf in the 1982/83 and 1983/84 seasons. 384 seismic and RES measurements of ice thickness made over 3500km of ice shelf. Seismic reflection & RES UK 384
85 ELLSW_PEN_8587 Ellsworth Land & James Ross Island BAS geophysical expedition in Ellsworth Land and James Ross Island in the 1985/86 and 1986/87 seasons. 185 seismic and RES measurements of ice thickness made. Seismic reflection & RES UK 185
86 FOWLER_9495 Fowler Peninsula region, Ellsworth Land BAS airborne RES survey in Ellsworth Land in 1994/95 season., 126 sorties. Airborne RES UK 139174
87 SAE_7174_1 Enderby Land east to West Ice shelf. Soviet Antarctic Expedition (SAE17-19) airborne RES survey in Enderby Land east to West Ice shelf (1971-74). Mainly coastal perpendicular tracklines with spacing 20km, 88 sorties. Airborne RES RU 23952
88 JARE_9294 Dronning Maud Land JARE 33 (1992-94) oversnow traverse between Mizuho Station and Dome F, Dronning Maud Land. Ground-based RES JP 524
89 JARE_9597 Queen Maud Land JARE 37 oversnow traverse in Dome F region. 150 km long traverse from the dome to the south, and 130 km long traverse from the dome region to east. Ground-based RES JP 1600
90 SAE_6667 Enderby Land Soviet Antarctic Expedition (SAE14) airborne RES survey in Enderby Land from the coast to 75S (1966/67). 16 flights perpendicular to coastline between 30E and 60E Trackline spacing 50km. Airborne RES RU 549
91 SAE_8788_2 Enderby Land Soviet Antarctic Expedition (SAE33) airborne RES survey - Enderby LandMac Robertson Land (1987-88). Trackline spacing 50km. Airborne RES RU 33646
92 UK-ARG_9596 Jame Ross Island, Larsen Ice Shelf Argentine/BAS airbone RES survey over James Ross Island and the Larsen Ice Shelf conducted in 1995/96 season. 5 flights - variable trackline spacing. Airborne RES UK 16234
93 SIPLE_97 Siple Coast, Marie Byrd Land 60km oversnow traverse at the head of Ice Stream C. Ice thicknesses are determined by reflection seismic shooting and the surface elevation by GPS. Seismic reflection US 66
94 LARSEN_90 Larsen Ice Shelf, Antarctic Peninsula BAS seismic traverse on the Larsen Ice Shelf in the 1990/91 season. Profile length 21.6 km, surface of ice shelf at 34 m aboe mean sea level. Seismic reflection UK 19
95 RIGGS_7378B Ross Ice Shelf US Ross Ice Shelf Geophysical and Glaciological Survey airborne RES data. Sorties overflew the seismic stations. Airborne RES US 973
96 BERKNER_9899 Ronne Ice Shelf BAS seismic surveying around the south-west tip of Berkner Island, Ronne Ice Shelf made during the 1998-99 season. Seismic reflection UK 27
97 BYRD_CORE Byrd Station, Marie Byrd Land Ice core drilled at Byrd Station, Marie Byrd Land reached on January 29th, 1968. Drilled with a cable-suspended electromechanical rotary drill at Byrd Station. The vertical thickness of the ice was 2164 meters and more than 99 percent of the core was recovered. Ice core US 1
98 TAYLORDOME_CORE Byrd Station, Marie Byrd Land Ice core drilled at Taylor Dome, Victoria Land in January 1994. The total depth at the drill site is 554 meters; basal temperature = -22ºC. Average depth of ice in the general vicinity ~800 m. Ice core US 1
99 LAWDOME_CORE Law Dome, Wilkes Land ANARE ice coring on Law Dome (1) and surrounding area near Wilkes Station (2). Main core DSS (Dome Summit South) is located 4.6 km ssw of Law Dome summit. Borehole depth 1195.6 m below the 1987/88 surface. Ice core AU 3
100 SIPLEDOME_CORE Siple Dome, Marie Byrd Land Ice core drilled on Siple Dome as part of the WAISCORES project. Coring program was carried out between 1996 and 1999. The Siple Dome deep core depth is 1004.31m with surface elevation 621m. A second core is proposed but not yet funded for a more inland site. Ice core US 1
101 CASERTZ_9196 Whitmore Mountains, Central West Antarctica US airborne RES 50,000 line-kilometer survey in central West Antarctica. Conducted by NSF Support Office for Aerogeophysical Research (SOAR). Data form part of Corridor Aerogeophysics of the Southeastern Ross
Transect Zone - Airborne Lithosphere and Ice Cover Experiment (CASERTZ/ALICE) science project.
Airborne RES US 32813
102 PATRIOT_9798 Patriot Hills, Ellsworth Land Chilean oversnow RES traverse in the Patriot Hills area conducted under a Chilean Antarctic Institute (INACH) sponsored programme. The logistic support was provided by the Chilean Air Force. The data were collected by a radio echo soundig profiling system mounted on sledges and pulled by snowmobiles. Ground-based RES CL 2840
103 ARGEN_8891 Larsen Ice Shelf Instituto Antartico Argentino (IAA) glaciological and geophysical traverse carried out in two seasons between 1988 and 1991covering about 80 km between Gray Nunatak and Jason Peninsula. 9 seismic shots and 3 RES stations Seismic reflection & RES AR 12
104 SIPLEDOME_9596 Siple Dome, Siple Coast US oversnow RES traverse across Siple Dome collected in the 1996/97 season. The 1610 xy points corresponding to the location of radar waveforms points were derived by interpolation at intervals of ~ 100m from a set of 69 static GPS surveys of poles located along the traverse. Ground-based RES US 1610
105 FILCHNERV_9495 Ronne-Filchner Ice Shelf German (AWI) airborne RES campaign (Filchner V). The areas of investigation were located at the grounding line between Foundation Ice Stream and Institute Ice Stream along the flow lines of the central Ronne Ice Shelf. 43.5 hours of flying time yielded about 10000km of data profiles. Airborne RES DE 30572
106 SAE_7075 Enderby Land Soviet Antarctic Expedition (SAE16-20) seismic reflection survey in Enderby Land. 290 stations along the Prince Olaf Coast. Seismic reflection RU 290
107 SAE_8586_2 Enderby Land Soviet Antarctic Expedition (SAE31) airborne RES survey - Enderby Land (1985-86). Trackline spacing 20km, 48 sorties. Airborne RES RU 37648
108 SAE_8788_3 Jamato Mountains Soviet Antarctic Expedition (SAE33) airborne RES survey - Jamato Mountains (1987-88). Trackline spacing 20km. Airborne RES RU 34780
109 SAE_8889_1 Coats Land Soviet Antarctic Expedition (SAE34) airborne RES survey - Coats Land (1988-89). Trackline spacing 20km, 48 sorties. Airborne RES RU 15209
110 SAE_8889_2 Dronning Maud Land Soviet Antarctic Expedition (SAE34) airborne RES survey - Dronning Maud Land (1988-89). Trackline spacing 50km, 21 flight lines. Airborne RES RU 38342
111 SAE_7174_2 Lambert Glacier, Amery Ice Shelf Soviet Antarctic Expedition seismic surveys - East Antarctica (1970/71 - 1983/84). Seismic reflection RU 369
112 AWI_9495 Dronning Maud Land & Coats Land. Alfred Wegener Institute airborne RES surveys of Coats Land and Dronning Maud Land during 1994/95 season. Approximately 15000km of data profile from 98 sorties. Airborne RES DE 56849
113 AWI_9596 Dronning Maud Land & Coats Land. Alfred Wegener Institute airborne RES surveys of Dronning Maud Land. Surveying carried out from Georg Forster Station and Georg Van Neumeyer Stations in Dronning Maud Land. Approximately 20000km of data profile from 108 sorties. Airborne RES DE 37210
114 AWI_9697 Dronning Maud Land & Coats Land. Alfred Wegener Institute airborne RES surveys of coastal Dronning Maud Land carried out during the 1996/97 season. Approximately 8000km of data profile from 57 sorties. Airborne RES DE 7777
115 AWI_9798 Dronning Maud Land & Coats Land. Alfred Wegener Institute airborne RES surveys of Dronning Maud Land and Princess Martha Coast between the Greenwich meridian and 15 degrees E.. Approximately 15000km of data profile along 187 flight lines. Airborne RES DE 74100
116 AWI_9899 Dronning Maud Land & Coats Land. Alfred Wegener Institute airborne RES surveys of Dronning Maud Land between 30E and 15W. A considerable amount of surveying south of 75S. Approximately 13000km of data profile along 118 flight lines. Airborne RES DE 48930
117 WILHELM_9798 Princess Elizabeth Land, Wilhelm II Land, Amery Ice Shelf Airborne RES data collected by ANARE - Jan-Feb 1998. Two main data sets. I. Study of dynamics and mass flux of ice across the 2000m contour between the Lambert Glacier Basin traverse and the Wilkes land traverse. II. Study of dynamics and mass flux of ice in lower Lambert Glacier - Amery Ice Shelf. Airborne RES AU 4590
118 SAE_8687_2 Princess Martha Coast Soviet Antarctic Expedition (SAE32) airborne RES survey - Princess Martha Coast (1986-87). Trackline spacing 20km. Airborne RES RU 26798
119 KGI_9597 King George Island Russian-Brazilian ground-based RES in December 1995 and December 1996-January 1997 using a monopulse radar with acentral frequency 40 MHz and GPS for navigation. Radar data were recorded on film using an oscilloscope C1-73 and a photo camera. Ground-based RES RU 62
120 GEOMAUD_9596 Dronning Maud Land German Antarctic Expedition GEOMAUD conducted by the BGR (German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources) in Dronning Maud Land in Dec 95 - Feb 96. Airborne radio echo sounding using helicopters AS350. 37 sorties conducted. Airborne RES DE 15604
121 BAS_9495 Ellsworth Land, Palmer Land, Ronne Ice Shelf. BAS airborne RES survey in Ellsworth Land, George VI Ice Shelf, Zumberge Coast, Ronne Ice Shelf in the 1994-95 season. Airborne RES UK 68947
122 UK-ARG_9798 Northern Peninsula, Larsen Ice Shelf. Argentine/BAS airborne RES survey over the Larsen Ice Shelf and the Northern Antarctic Peninsula, Ellsworth Land in the 1997-98 season. 16 sorties flown. Airborne RES UK 88232
123 SAE_9091_2 Dronning Maud Land Soviet Antarctic Expedition (SAE36) airborne RES survey - Dronning Maud Land (1990-91). Trackline spacing 20km. 28 sorties along Princess Ragnhild Coast and Sor Rondane Mountains. Airborne RES RU 6355
124 TNB_DC_9798 Victoria Land, Wilkes Land Italian Antarctic Program (PNRA) airborne RES survey from Terra Nova Bay to Dome C, Wilkes Land. Airborne RES IT 7452
125 GANOVEX_9293 North Victoria Land German Antarctic Experiment (GANOVEX VII) conducted by the BGR (German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources) from December 92 to February 1993. Airborne radio echo sounding using helicopters AS350. XX sorties conducted. Airborne RES DE 857
126 ACRUP_9394 North Victoria Land Radio echo soundings collected along the Antarctic Crustal Profile (ACRUP). Surveying conducted by the BGR (German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources) from December 93 to March 1994. Airborne radio echo sounding using helicopters AS350. XX sorties conducted. Includes 1 ground based RES survey. Airborne RES DE 883
127 SAE_8990_2 Enderby Land Soviet Antarctic Expedition (SAE35) airborne RES survey - Enderby Land (Oct - Nov 1989). Magnetometrical, gravimetrical, RES and navigation mounted on the aircraft IL-18. Trackline spacing 50km, 24 sorties. Airborne RES RU 34798
Last Update: 06 Jan 2000